Lilly Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program:
Bloomington High School North
Christopher Blackburn “Into the Unknown” - explore family heritage in Denmark and England and learn about what family members sacrificed in pursuit of reinventing themselves in America.
Bloomington High School North
Amber Dehner “Walking Korea: Taking My Soul and Soles to Seoul” - celebrate renewed health and experience new cultures by walking, hiking and running from Seoul to Jeju Island.
Bloomington High School South
Christina Adduci Daugherty “Mangia, Mangia! The Sounds of Sundays” - as an homage to family and an inherited passion for cooking, travel through Italy taking culinary classes, visiting ancestral homelands and creating a compilation cookbook of familial recipes.
Childs Elementary School
Abigail Brass “If You Need Me, I’ll Be in the Garden” - seek renewal by experiencing the beauty of the gardens of California, from the native wildflower landscapes of Sequoia and Yosemite national parks to planned garden spaces and flower farms.
Unionville Elementary School
Rachel Allanson “Following in my Great Aunt’s Footsteps: A Journey through Japan” - reconnect with shared familial history by traveling through Japan using diaries written by a great aunt.
Strategic Plan Progress & Updates February's Strategic Plan progress updates will be on Communications Goal 1: Develop and implement a robust Communications Plan to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
We invite MCCSC staff, families, and community members to submit questions and input in advance of the presentation. Please submit questions by February 12, by using the form linked below. MCCSC Strategic Plan Priorities & Goals Question Submission Form.
View the timeline and presentations here.

Community Meetings on Balancing Elementary Socioeconomic Status (SES)
MCCSC Board wants to hear from you!
Three options to provide feedback
Public Comment at the Community Meeting Option 1: Attend one of two community meetings and complete a public comment card onsite. Comment cards must be turned PRIOR to the start of the meeting.
Public Comment at the Community Meeting Option 2: Complete the online public comment form prior to the community meeting, attend one of two community meetings and check-in with the Superintendent’s assistant PRIOR to the start of the meeting in order to make public comment.
Email feedback to Board members: Email comments to with the subject line “Elementary SES.” The email will be forwarded to all Board members, but the feedback will not be included as public comment at the community meetings.
Community Meetings Details
Wednesday, February 28th, 2024 - 5:30-7:00 PM Jackson Creek Middle School (3980 S Sare Rd.)
Thursday, February 29th, 2024 - 5:30-7:00 PM Templeton Elementary School (1400 S Brenda Lane)
Childcare available. Pre-registration required. Click here to register.
EMA Notification for Families
The Emergency Medical Authorization form (EMA) is a form that should be completed annually during the annual registration process for both new and returning MCCSC students. Per MCCSC policy, a current Emergency Medical Authorization must be on file for students to receive care in the school health office and attend field trips and off campus extra-curricular activities.
For your convenience, the following instructions have been created to assist you in completing the Emergency Medical Authorization form.
- Go to, -> Resources -> Families, then click on “Family Welcome Center”
- Click on the “Skyward Family Access” button. Log into your Skyward Family Access. If you do not remember your login or password, please click on Forgot Your Login/Password at the bottom of the screen or call your student’s school.
- Click on “online registration" and select the student you wish to complete enrollment/registration forms for.
- Click on the forms on the right-hand side of the screen and complete the forms. The EMA is form #4. Skyward will pre-load most information for your convenience, but will default to “no” on all medical history, therefore, please ensure that all information is accurate before saving.
- You should complete all steps in the online registration process, as the system may not count any of the forms complete until the entire registration is complete.